USADA Announces New Changes To Cannabis Usage Outside Of The Octagon
USADA has changed its rules when it comes to MMA fighters and marijuana usage. Beginning retroactively January 1st, a positive drug test for carboxy-THC (the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) will no longer be considered an USADA violation. The only exception to this new rule change is if USADA is able to prove the athlete used cannabis intentionally for performance-enhancing purposes.
Although Cannabis Is Allowed Outside Of Competition, USADA IS Still Strict Holding Fighters Accountable
Sure, this is a huge step in the right direction for cannabis smoking athletes, but there are still rules to follow. Breaking USADA guidelines means fines and suspensions, but at least now fighters can smoke as long as it isn’t used as a performance-enhancing drug. The benefits of cannabis usage outweigh the negative, but it still can be used as a drug to combat pain. Here’s UFC senior vice president of athlete health and performance Jeff Novitzky thoughts on the recent change…
Why the hell do we care what someone did a week before, let alone a night before, when it doesn’t have any effect on their ability to fight. This change is designed to prioritize fighter health and safety by not punishing fighters who may need treatment for substance abuse, which may lead to a fighter being impaired and jeopardize his or her safety in the Octagon.
Jeff Novitzky
Moving forward UFC fighters that are known smokers like the Diaz Brothers can smoke knowing they won’t violate any rules. Do I think fighters should toke up right before a fight? Hell no. Do I think fighters should get high after to ease the pain? 100%. Truth is the fight game ain’t pretty and you have to do what works for you.
The fact that most adults use cannabis to ease pain and get off of prescription drugs proves my point. Reefer madness ended in the 50’s, it’s time to see the true potential with cannabis. This new exception to the rule goes into effect retroactively January 1st. Although fighters stay as clean as possible during fight camps, UFC fighters like Niko Price need a pass. Furthermore this rule should go back YEARS, not just to January 1st. Anyone remember when Nik Diaz was suspended for years for smoking cannabis?