Today, the Morning Woodward Show talked about their first sleepover together, what the new name of the Cleveland Indians could be, and Joey gives Stick a head massage prank. If you missed the show this morning, check it out right here!
Joey, Stick & Krissy Slept In The Studio Last Night
Last night we put our first night of Stuff A Studio in the books. The Morning Woodward Show (Joey, Stick, & Krissy) spent the entire night in the studio so that they wouldn’t miss a single toy drop off and boy did Detroit deliver. By this morning we had almost doubled the toy & venmo donations for Mott’s Children’s Hospital and we couldn’t be any more appreciative! (@woodwardsports)
The Cleveland Indians Official Name Change
Of course, with 2020 being 2020 the Cleveland Indian’s is the next major league team to change their name. Announced on Monday, they will drop their “Indians” nickname that was in place for more than a century, to “unify our community”. It will definitely be interesting to see what name gets put into place.
Stick Got Played By Joey
The best part about this one is the fact that Joey finally won against Stick in their prank war (that usually doesn’t happen). Poor stick was just trying to get his hair cut with a scalp massage over at Lady Jane’s when Joey had to put his nose in it but we love to see it. He traded spots with the hair dresser while Stick’s eyes were closed and ended up washing his hair making everyone uncomfortable :)